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What Our Country Is Coming To!!! | home
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The "darker race" of "people"
![]() Now here you have a group of people who originated from a continent that has not progressed since it's beginning. They call it the "mother land" but biblically speaking the true mother land is Jerusalem in the Middle East. These people were "sold off" by their own people to the Europeans and were shipped to the Americas to be used as slaves.
Their point of view and the same point of views our now "beloved" school systems teach are that "Whitey" stole them from their home land! Granted they were used as slaves in the earlier centuries, but records of former, but now deceased slave owners state that their slaves were treated well. They had good room and board, good food, time for themselves, and were even getting a little sex mutually... I'm not saying that there weren't some slave-owners who did not treat some slaves bad. I'm sure there were a few who flat out treated them like crap. I personally believe that was wrong to do that, but there are always some "bad apples" in a bunch.
This causes the blacks of today, here in the states to believe and act upon the notion that whites "owe them" because of their forefathers being slaves. Now of course they do NOT want an apology, they want ONLY money. Another proof that these blacks want something for nothing.
If a White person or family goes into a restaurant for dinner and they have a black server, there's a good chance of your food getting spit in. If not spitting, then your service will go down hill. Even in fast food joints, you do not usually get a "hello" or God forbid a "thank you" after you make your purchase. This mud race truly believes that Whites owe them.
This MTV, Sesame Street, Barney, Disney, and all the other Liberal ran television, including the theater ALL want you to believe that Blacks are the superior race. They ALL promote Black males impregnating White women (a Black man's dream), Whites are not up to date or hip, "stupid White boy", and putting down the White race. Are we supposed to say, "it's OK!"? If a White person says, "wad up nigga?" to his Black "friend", it causes static. If another Black whom is an enemy says the same slogan, it's all right, no problem. There's absolutely NO logic in it. (I guess that goes for Ebonics too, NO LOGIC!)
You totally see it ALL over now, White women holding hands or kissing Black males in public no less. There is nothing more useless than a white woman whom is with a Black! They are trying to POISON the White race into believing that garbage. "IT'S DISGUSTING!!!" The Liberals and "Wiggers" want it to be accepted. NEVER!!! WE WILL NEVER ALLOW IT TO BE ACCEPTED! The problem there is Whites are too afraid to speak up. The only way we can accomplish this is to gain and keep more power politically. Whites must allow the blacks to grab a piece of the pie, but there will NEVER be any Black leaders such as Presidents. (C. Powell is Whiter than most White people, he doesn't count!)
The most hypocritical of all is how Blacks are "whining" for freedom and equality. OK, well, they do have both. They don't seem to think so though. They still whine about discrimination, unfairness, blah, blah, blah, "it's because I'm Black!", they say. Well, if they are still whining about equality and want to be equal, how come they segregate themselves. That isn't being equal. BET isn't equal, but if Whites had WET that would make them racists, right? Blacks are HYPOCRITES in that aspect amongst others!!!
Other negative FACTS about blacks is that roughly 80% are congesting our prisons. That means it's White peoples $$$ these "good citizens" are burning, YOUR MONEY!
*1 in 3 Black males have been incarcerated at least once in their lifetime. WOW!!! Now there's a civil race.
60% of Blacks are living off your tax dollars and abusing OUR welfare system. Mostly out of laziness and wanting something for nothing, oh and extra time to steal and play basketball.
This mud race is only existing by riding on the shoulders of the hard working yet successful White race. They are raping this country and need to be put in their place...
PARENTS, do NOT allow your children to be influenced by this hip hop mumbo jumbo. It IS poison! Do not support their cause. Boycott ALL FuBu, RP 55 (or whatever the hell it's called), WuWear, or any type of attire that may resemble it. Tell them it's NOT OK! Be themselves. Gain and learn some of their own culture. Tell your children that being White is a blessing and is the Master Race, despite what the media and television says and the NAACP is NOT a good thing either (Kaboom!)...
On a last note: Why in the hell do you think this Tiger Woods piece of sh*t is getting so much exposure??? He can hit the ball, but he is by no means the greatest golfer ever. He's actually far from it. It seems someone is trying to hype him up because he's black (even though he's only half, HE'S STILL BLACK) and ruin the fine sport of golf!
"If Black is beautiful, then I just sh*t a masterpiece!!!"
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